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Orlando - a biography

Or­lan­do - a bio­gra­phy

Wednesday, 27. November 2024

Equilibre, Fribourg

  • Stage

based on the novel by Virginia Woolf - TOBS

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French subtitle

Orlando is a man and a woman, lives in different eras as a writer, lover, and beloved. Virginia Woolf's Orlando travels weightlessly through different centuries, shows us different life plans and questions social roles.

Changes in the climate, manners, and literature are described precisely for each era. Orlando changes over time and yet always remains true to himself in his search for the meaning of life, the feeling of love, and the function of literature.

Orlando ultimately becomes a woman of the present who actively participates in today's social forms. The way into the future is wide open.

"Orlando" describes the career of a searching person who deals intensively with our existential questions and fears. Her path is a tightrope walk, always close to falling, but she always moves forward with light feet.

Based on the novel by Virginia Woolf

Directed by Olivier Keller

Interpreted by Günter Baumann, Anna Blumer, Gabriel Noah Maurer, Janna Mohr, Fabian Müller
Theater Orchester Biel Solothurn (TOBS)


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