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Vernissage | In the context of the collection: Georgia Sagri. Case_O. Between Wars

Ver­nis­sa­ge | In the con­text of the collec­tion: Geor­gia Sag­ri. Ca­se_O. Bet­ween Wars

Thursday, 19. September 2024

Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein mit Hilti Art Foundation, Vaduz

You are cordially invited to the exhibition opening!

The artistic work of Georgia Sagri (*1979 in Athens, GR) is characterized by a long-standing performance practice. Sculpture, video and digital media, installation, text and drawing are essential elements that develop from this. At the same time, Sagri's commitment to social justice, emancipation and self-organization is reflected in it.

The starting point for Case_O. Between Wars is the Kunstmuseum's invitation to confront her work with works of Informel from the Monauni collection. The invitation was prompted by a work by Sagri that will be included in the Kunstmuseum's collection in 2023: the monumental sculpture Dynamis | Soma in orgasm as sex (2017), 2023, which Sagri created in duplicate for documenta 14.

As part of the exhibition, the artist will realize a long-term performance in November.

A production of the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, curated by Christiane Meyer-Stoll and Letizia Ragaglia.


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