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Artist talk | Visarte Liechtenstein: Triennale 2024. 2050: Changing View

Ar­tist talk | Vi­s­ar­te Liech­ten­stein: Tri­en­na­le 2024. 2050: Chan­ging View

Thursday, 5. September 2024

Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein mit Hilti Art Foundation, Vaduz

An event organized by Visarte Liechtenstein.

with Katharina Bierreth-Hartungen, Dagmar Frick-Islitzer, Yoly Maurer, Toni Ochsner and Angelika Steiger; accompanied by recorder sounds from different centuries, played by Margret Föppl-Georg, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis.

An event by Visarte Liechtenstein.

How will we live in 2050? What will the world look like? How can we shape the future?

The artist collective Katharina Bierreth-Hartungen, Dagmar Frick-Islitzer, Yoly Maurer, Toni Ochsner and Angelika Steiger interviewed over 80 people about their skills and how their use could impact by 2050. This resulted in a collaborative work and individual works in an in-depth artistic process. They evoke questions and open up the discourse about which things we can do without, which habits we should break away from and which qualities we will need in the future.


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