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Katja Baumann

Kat­ja Bau­mann

Thursday, 4. July 2024

Zeltainer, Unterwasser

  • Stage

"Roses for Mr Grimm". Home care worker Johanna Jöhri is working for the demented Wilhelm Grimm, who lives in the memories of his deceased brother Jakob and their wonderful fairy tales. Mrs Jöhri meets the Grimms' forgetfulness with incomprehension and full of impatience. Actress Katja Baumann moves with great sensitivity between humor and tragedy and creates a touching story in which the complicated relationship between carers and patients is played out without clichés but with subtle comedy. She acts with emotional acting and meaningful facial expressions. A theater evening with silence, lots of imagination and great potential to open the audience's heart. Small theater as you love it! If anyone can touch people, it's Katja. Welcome back!


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