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Hard on Hard The train accident – ​​a Hohler evening

Hard on Hard The train ac­ci­dent – ​​a Hoh­ler eve­ning

Thursday, 5. September 2024

La Cappella, Bern

  • Stage

The renowned Swiss author Franz Hohler has written a gripping piece of theater for the acting duo “Hart auf Hart” with Elisabeth Hart and Rhaban Straumann. The story is touchingly profound, the comedy is hidden both in the situation and in the ironic banter, and the dialogues are unintentionally liberating and pointed. Rarely has a tragedy been noticed so casually, an accident dealt with so lightly.

Franz Hohler's text is literally about life and death. But as is typical for Hohler, the weight of the object comes across with incredible lightness.
A train crashes and this accident turns two lives into one. An event that connects two travelers and binds them together becomes a unifying story. A German actress and a Swiss civil protection employee are stuck between metal, sheet metal and the absurd pattern of the covers as well as the patterns of their personal character. She is on the way to a casting and he is on the way to a disaster management conference.

Forced by the situation, they get to know each other and, little by little, regain their freedom of movement together. What seems strange
Because right now everything was too tight, too heavy and too uncomfortable.
Gripping drama, touching story, highly entertaining. A jewel!

Game: Elisabeth Hart & Rhaban Straumann; Book: Franz Hohler; Director: Volker Insel; Sound engineer: Holger Kliemchen; Speaker: Corinna Waldbauer; Speaker: Rashid D. Sidgi; Props: Robert Schiller.


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