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Alex Porter Halluzination

Alex Por­ter Hal­lu­zi­na­ti­on

Saturday, 7. September 2024

La Cappella, Bern

  • Stage

Alex Porter, a disillusionist? The Lucerne Magician
fascinates with poetic anarchy.

Although Porter, without ever claiming otherwise, in the
Magician's bag of tricks takes effect, illusion and reality blur in the course of the game
into each other in the evening. His craft seems to have evolved even more over the decades
to have condensed and whoever watches him cannot avoid having their own
to question perception.

In Hallucination, Porter completely deceives his audience
Nevertheless, he is increasingly turning out to be an artist of deception. He shows strong
Evergreen tricks and vocal acrobatic vocal performances. His magic is as
to understand poetic anarchy.

Porter's interactivity with the audience, coupled with his
honest self-irony, make the evening a point of escape, a poetic one
A stopover in our so often hallucinatory world.


Information about the event

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All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.


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