{Titolo} sguardo

Monster's Ball

Mons­ter's Ball

Mercoledì, 3. Luglio 2024

Vor dem Cinema Luna, direkt hinter dem Bahnhof, Frauenfeld

  • Film

Monster's Ball is a hard-hitting Southern drama tempered by a story of powerful, life-changing love. It is the story of Hank, an embittered prison gurad working on Death Row in rural Georgia. He begins an unlikely but emotionally charged affair with Leticia, the wife of a man he has just executioned.
Starring Billy Bob Thornton and halle berry, MONSTER'S BALL also features Heath Ledger and Peter Boyle' in supporting roles. Boyle plays Hank's bigoted, aging father, whose hatred seems to have poisoned his entire family. Ledger plays hank's son, who is hell-bent on getting out.
Regie: Marc Forster
Filmgenre: Drama Romanze
Zutrittsalter / Empfohlenes Alter:
Produktionsland: USA / Canada (2001)
Dauer: 111'
Besetzung: Billy Bob Thornton, Halle Berry, Peter Boyle, Heath Ledger, Sean 'Puffy' Combs, Dante Beze, Coronji Calhoun


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