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ZDFneo: Unsolved cases of archaeology

ZDFneo: Un­sol­ved ca­ses of ar­chaeo­lo­gy

Saturday, 6. July 2024

Mysterious Messages (2020, D, Julio Condori Amaru, Lisa Fagin Davis, Barbara Galland, Marcial Medina Huanca, Enis Rockel, Christina Verbeek, Peter Prestel, Axel Sand, Harald Lesch, Udo Wachtveitl)

Many written messages from the past still stubbornly elude deciphering. One of these is the Voynich manuscript, named after its discoverer. The 102 pages that have survived to this day are illustrated with numerous illustrations, suggesting that they are divided into six chapters, which probably deal with pharmaceutical, astronomical and astrological topics.


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