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WWF natural use course in the organic vineyard

WWF na­tu­ral use cour­se in the or­ga­nic vi­ney­ard

Friday, 5. July 2024

Thal, Thal

We help with “leafing out” the vines.

An organic vineyard requires a lot of care and manual labor. We help a vineyard owner with “leafing out” the vines and other work on the vines. Wine production and biodiversity is not an illusion but a reality. The small winery Knechtle-Glogger in Thal/SG shows us this. But of course it requires a lot of manual work. They help with this nature-connected effort when “leaving out the leaves”. This promotes ventilation of the vines and creates more light. This helps prevent fungal diseases and rot without having to use sprays. Depending on requirements, other work is carried out in the vineyard. At this event you will learn what makes organic wine, what work goes into it and what can be done to support animals and drought-loving plants. In the end, everyone gets to enjoy the wines produced there.


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