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WWF mission - pasture and hedge care for the Bohl family

WWF mis­si­on - pas­tu­re and hedge ca­re for the Bohl fa­mi­ly

Saturday, 19. October 2024

Nesslau, Nesslau

Create shelter for weasels, birds, insects and the like

In this natural effort, we help maintain the Bohl family's organic farm with extensive pastures and hedges. At the same time, we are creating new shelter for weasels, birds, insects and other animal species. The young Bohl family has been running their organic farm in Nesslau for 6 years and keeps suckler cows. They graze on their farm and in the Alps nearby. The Bohl family's goal is to have structured agriculture and the greatest possible diversity on the farm. The family has to contend with severe bush encroachment. We help maintain extensively managed standalone pastures and valuable field trees and at the same time create new habitat for various animal species, such as weasels, birds, etc. Help us and receive exciting information about ecological networking, biodiversity and everyday life in agriculture. This year we are once again traveling in steep terrain, like in 2022.


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