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WWF course - building weasel castles on the Waldh collective farm

WWF cour­se - buil­ding wea­sel cast­les on the Waldh collec­tive farm

Saturday, 9. November 2024

St.Pelagiberg, St.Pelagiberg

Build piles of stones and branches for weasels, reptiles, etc

During this nature outreach, we build piles of stones and branches on the collective farm for weasels, reptiles, etc. You will learn more about animal diversity, but also about regenerative agriculture. The Waldheim collective farm is a SoLaWi farm that practices regenerative agriculture. Their focus is on promoting soil quality and biodiversity is very important. The Waldheim collective currently consists of five people aged 0 to 38, who bring a wide range of know-how from a wide range of areas such as vegetable growing, nature education, gastronomy, tofu production, etc. They grow vegetables, fruit, spices and medicinal herbs on a good four hectares, cultivate the grassland and consciously do not keep any farm animals. They are very cautious about using machines and do everything they can by hand. Of course, to do business like this requires a lot of manual work. There are various small structures and biodiversity hotspots all over the farm. But the collective is still hungry for more. Together with us, they are planning a wild bee paradise and other piles of branches and stones. On this mission, we create new and even better shelters and breeding sites for weasels etc. from old piles of branches and use stones to build valuable habitats for reptiles, weasels etc. Daniel Knobel also tells us more about regenerative agriculture and the challenges and beauties on the collective farm. Management: David Knobel collective farm Waldheim For whom: adults, families This event is suitable for people aged 8 and over. Requirements: Good on foot. Food: Food (vegan) is provided. Equipment: hiking boots, work gloves, depending on the weather: sun or. Rain protection, robust clothing (possibly a change of T-shirt), filled drink bottle. Implementation: In case of bad weather, the operation will be postponed to April 24, 2024. If there is a postponement, we will inform you by email by April 15th at the latest. Available places: 16 Cost: Free As a WWF member, you benefit from numerous discounts. Become a member now and benefit straight away. Organization/information: WWF regional office AR/AI-SG-TG,, 071 221 72 30, Arrival: Frauenfeld from 07:42, Weinfelden at 07:53, Weinfelden off 08.05, Bischofszell city at 08:23. By bus from 8:37 a.m., St. Pelagiberg, Kurhaus at 8:52 a.m. Then about a 10-minute walk to the collective farm


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