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When We See Us – Hundert Jahre panafrikanische figurative Malerei: A Light Lyricism. Reading Group and Literary Companion to «When We See Us»
  • Stage

Kunstmuseum Basel | Gegenwart, Basel

When We See Us – Hun­dert Jah­re pa­n­a­fri­ka­ni­sche fi­gu­ra­ti­ve Ma­le­rei: A Light Ly­ri­cism. Rea­ding Group and Li­tera­ry Com­pa­ni­on to «When We See Us»

Saturday, 10. August 2024

With Sindi-Leigh McBride (writer and scientist) and guests. In six public reading group sessions, the participants work through a selection of texts. All texts will be made available to participants in advance. In English


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