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Through the exhibition with Henri-Michel Yéré

Through the ex­hi­bi­ti­on with Hen­ri-Mi­chel Yé­ré

Thursday, 4. July 2024

Strauhof, Zürich

Conversation in German and FrenchA literary foray through the exhibition and the city of Abidjan with the poet and historian Henri-Michel Yéré. He was born in Abidjan in 1978, has lived in Basel since 2003 and is a lecturer at the Center for African Studies at the University of Basel. But in his texts he regularly returns to Côte d'Ivoire. "Abidjan is like a teenage mother who is surprised by the premature birth of her children..." says Yéré's current volume of poetry "Polo kouman. Polo parle" (Editions d'en bas 2023). The poems it contains are written in French and in Nouchi, the local creole language. They all revolve around language and the appropriation of the word. During the tour of the exhibition, Yéré gives insights into his "mother city" and the thousand stories that inspire him. With short readings in Nouchi and French.Registration at vermittlung@strauhof.chIn cooperation with the Litar Foundation


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