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Tarkabarka Wanderbühne

Tar­ka­bar­ka Wan­der­büh­ne

Thursday, 4. July 2024

  • Stage

Circus theatre without words.

Compagnie Tarkabarka plays: Kabuff - a poetic and joyful clown theater.
The two charming clowns, their lively dog and a wooden box full of surprises take the audience on a journey of discovery peppered with artistry, music, dance, magic and a pinch of absurdity.

Compagnie Tarkabarka plays: Hoppaa! - a clownish spectacle full of surprises.
The show is about to begin! But where are the artists? Suddenly a woman and a man are in the spotlight, quite unintentionally, and explore the colorful world of failure and unexpected success. With great joy in playing, they cast a spell over you and take you away to a lightness of being.

Scheppe & Boko play: The Show - magical clowning without words.
Classic clowning paired with technical finesse and improvisational comedy. A show to get excited and laugh at that leaves no eye dry.

Open-air performances in front of the nostalgic circus wagon.

Entrance music 20 minutes before show start!


Information about the event

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All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.
