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Szene Putzn & Alkasilka

Sze­ne Putzn & Al­ka­sil­ka

Friday, 12. July 2024

Horst Klub, Kreuzlingen

  • Sounds

"Szene Putzn" from Vienna (AT): are back at Horst Klub and, as always, are blasting DIY Riot GRRL synth-trash punk in the face, scaring scene guys! This time, they're "Alkasilka": Weird-wild slash folk punk with accordion straight from Okinawa/Tokyo (JP). They rock!!! A new album by Szene Putzn is in the works, but soon there will be "VIELFÄLTIGES UNKRAUT" - a split album with "Tutti Dilemma" and above all "ALKASILKA". There will be new stuff to hear,


Information about the event

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