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Stans Laughs - Humor Festival: Cedric Schild - I'm funnier in the videos

Stans Laughs - Hu­mor Fes­ti­val: Ced­ric Schild - I'm fun­nier in the vi­de­os

Friday, 13. September 2024

Kollegium St. Fidelis Stans, Stans

  • Stage

Known as the protagonist and journalist of the online medium “Izzy Magazine”, then a cult figure from the SRF hit series “Tschugger”. Cedric Schild aka Supercedi is the comedian of the hour.

In its first full-length program, Supercedi provides answers to the really important questions in life. As usual, he appears spontaneous and quick-witted, but unusually live. Under the direction of Viktor Giacobbo, he brings his cult characters, such as Mr. Aebersold or “Butterling” from the SRF hit series “Tschugger,” to the stage with sketches, exclusive video content and telephone pranks and uses them to take on fraudsters.


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