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Schools - Racial Discrimination Workshop

Schools - Ra­ci­al Dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on Work­shop

Tuesday, 17. September 2024

Château de Prangins, Prangins

Exclusive workshop for schools education levels: Sec I and Sec II. For one class only.

An introductory guided tour of the Anne Frank and Switzerland exhibition will be followed by a workshop led by Amnesty International-Swiss section.

As part of a collaboration with the Specta(c)tor Company, this workshop explores everyday racism and invites students to question racism and its origins, to explore experiences and testimonies and to propose courses of action using theatrical expressions.

Exclusive workshop for schools education levels: Sec I and Sec II. For one class only.


Information about the event

Heads Up!

All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.
