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Rosé Vibes with DJane Lindyhopp

Ro­sé Vi­bes with DJa­ne Lin­dy­hopp

Saturday, 3. August 2024

Villa im Park, Altstätten

  • Club

Rosé vibes with DJane Lindyhopp

DJane Lindyhopp, Eleonara Gamber gets the party people dancing to electro swing. She combines swing classics and bass lines to create an irresistible sound. 

Rosé wines - Rosé drinks - Rosé snacks

The event takes place at the Villa im Park / entrance via Bahnhofstrasse / please use public parking spaces / bicycles can be parked in the parking spaces at Bahnhofstrasse 1.


Information about the event

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All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.


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