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Premium Rush
  • Film

Gallusplatz, St. Gallen

Pre­mi­um Rush

Friday, 9. August 2024

Dodging fast cars, crazy taxi drivers, open car doors and eight million bad-tempered pedestrians is part of Wilee's (JOSEPH GORDON-LEVITT) normal working day - because he is the best and fastest bike courier in New York. You have to be a certain type to be able to ride the fixie - a super-light bike with only one gear and no brakes. Everyone who rides it has two things in common: they are extremely talented cyclists and suicidal idiots. Because every time they throw themselves into traffic on this bike, they risk ending up as a blur on the road. Bike couriers are used to constantly risking their lives, but one day just before the end of the day, things get particularly bad for Wilee: What starts out as a completely normal "Premium Rush" routine delivery ends in a life-and-death chase through the streets of Manhattan. Director: David Koepp
Film genre: Action Thriller
Access age / Recommended age:
Country of production: USA (2012)
Duration: 91'
Cast: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Dania Ramirez, Sean Kennedy, Kym Perfetto, Anthony Chisholm, Ashley Austin Morris, Wolé Parks


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