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Piazza Art: Watercolors by Christina Nievergelt and Veronika Friedrich

Piaz­za Art: Wa­ter­co­lors by Chris­ti­na Nie­ver­gelt and Ve­ro­ni­ka Fried­rich

Mo. 10. June - Sa. 27. July 2024

Stadtbibliothek, Winterthur

  • Exhibition

Christina Nievergelt and Veronika Friedrich are two women painters from Winterthur. A brush and paints are literally calling for paper for both of them.

They met almost 20 years ago in a watercolor painting course. Since then, painting has become a very special hobby for them and has developed into an integral part of their lives. Many hours and paintings later, the two artists are delighted to be able to show their paintings in this exhibition. "We hope that looking at our works gives you as much joy as painting them gives us."


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