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cozy, clear and distinct – short reading by Timo Brunke

co­zy, cle­ar and dis­tinct – short rea­ding by Ti­mo Brun­ke

Thursday, 5. September 2024

Stadtbibliothek, Winterthur

  • Stage

Every year we invite current authors to entertaining short readings.

Timo Brunke is a freelance word artist. He has been performing at home and abroad since 1993. For several years now, Brunke has also been working as a concert poet and is committed to language education. In his new volume of poetry, Mitteleuropapperlapapp, little remains as it was. What's more: hardly anything was ever as it seemed. The ballads, snapshots and observations of people gathered here are amusing, create closeness, distance and new approaches to the familiar. Counted ideas about life shimmer in rhymes and verses of smug affection. Voices from open-plan offices, streets and squares meet inner monologues from neighbors, opponents and best friends. Texts for ballad, Beethoven, Buddenbrooks and Dada fans as well as for beautiful souls. 

Timo Brunke and Sebastian Steffen both read in parallel, at 6 p.m. and 7 p.m.: Timo Brunke in the courtyard of the city library, Sebastian Steffen in the courtyard of the trade museum. During the break (between 6:40 p.m. and 7 p.m.) the audience moves from the courtyard of the city library to the courtyard of the trade museum and vice versa.

After Timo Brunke's short reading at 6 p.m., the reading continues to the courtyard of the trade museum, where Sebastian Steffen welcomes the audience at 7 p.m.

We look forward to your spontaneous visit! There are no tickets for the short readings. Admission is free, and there will be a collection on site.


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