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Normandy naked

Nor­man­dy na­ked

Friday, 9. August 2024

Open-Air Kino Filmnächte Ro..., Wädenswil

  • Film

The whole of France is in a hopeless crisis. The whole of France? No! A village in Normandy populated by indomitable farmers is fighting against the rapidly falling prices of milk and meat. Unfortunately, their protests are not attracting the interest of newspapers and television, nor of those in charge in Paris. Mayor Balbuzard is at a loss. When the world-famous photo artist Blake Newman happens to come to the village, the necessary attention finally seems to be guaranteed. Newman wants to realize a new spectacular project here and photograph a large group of people in a meadow. There is just one small thing that the mayor has to convince everyone of: the residents should take off their clothes for the photo...
Director Philippe Le Guay has enchanted audiences with comedies such as "Les femmes du 6e étage". In his new film "Normandie nue" he tells with wit and charm about life in a village with very different people, about their disagreements and friendships, about old secrets and new love affairs. French film star François Cluzet ("Intouchables") shines in the role of the rebellious mayor. "Normandie nue" shows that a crisis can also have its good sides - especially if you approach it with wit, humor and imagination.
Director: Philippe Le Guay
Film genre: Comedy Drama
Admission age / Recommended age: 10 (12)
Country of production: France (2018)
Duration: 105'
Cast: Vincent Regan, François Cluzet, François-Xavier Demaison, Arthur Dupont, Grégory Gadebois, Colin Bates


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