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Martin Jakob

Mar­tin Ja­kob

Fr. 5. July - Sa. 24. August 2024


  • Exhibition

The LEMME presents its new exhibition.

In his installation "Just trying to reconnect", Martin Jakob subtly explores the architectural features of LEMME and encourages viewers to rethink their surroundings through the concept of "connections", be it between spaces, materials, living beings or machines.

A rope made of recycled threads in a variety of shades forms a connection between the two spaces of LEMME. This work, entitled "Double Helix Pathway", acts as a symbolic path and plays a central role in uniting the different perspectives offered by the opposite openings and allowing visitors a variety of viewpoints.

In addition, small glasses attached to the windows change the usual perception of the interior. It is a selection of pieces from the series "Day Spells", small compositions that Martin Jakob creates in his everyday life by inserting materials, objects, images or words between two panes of glass.

By occupying the LEMME in this way, Martin Jakob goes beyond the physical boundaries of the exhibition space and creates an immersive experience in which the boundaries between reality and illusion, interior and exterior become more permeable. This intervention in the architecture of the place shows the artist's desire to question habitual perceptions and encourage viewers to explore the transitions between physical and conceptual spaces, between intimacy and public, while questioning our relationship with our environment and our way of living together. Link to website:


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