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Lake Constance habitat - traces of a century

La­ke Con­stan­ce ha­bi­tat - tra­ces of a cen­tu­ry

Sa. 23. March - Su. 9. March 2025

A new special exhibition at the Lake Constance Natural History Museum in Konstanz is dedicated to the diverse changes in the Lake Constance habitat over the last hundred years.

The lake does not rest still. From the body of water to miniature crabs to catfish and mute swans - everything in Lake Constance is connected in a large network of relationships. Small changes are therefore often enough to have major consequences. In the last hundred years there have been three main causes of such changes: the nutrient content in the lake, newly established animal and plant species and of course climate change, which has a significant impact on the lake and its inhabitants. The exhibition "Lake Constance Habitat - Traces of a Century" looks at the interaction of these factors and the effects on the creatures in and around the lake. It opens on March 22nd at 6 p.m. with an introductory lecture by Dr. Dietmar Straile from the Limnological Institute of the University of Konstanz; the university and the SeeWandel project have made their research results available as cooperation partners of the Lake Constance Natural History Museum. Admission to the opening is free; The exhibition will then run until March 9, 2025. The supporting program for adults and families, schools and kindergartens will be published on the museum's homepage.

Source: - the culture portal for Thurgau, with dates, topics & people who are worth talking about.


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