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Kultling am See Festival 2024

Kult­ling am See Fes­ti­val 2024

Fr. 9. August - Sa. 10. August 2024

Seeburgpark Kreuzlingen, Kreuzlingen

  • Club
  • Culinary
  • Exhibition
  • Faith
  • Family
  • Film
  • Sounds
  • Stage

Kultling Festival 2024 from August 9th to 10th in Seeburgpark Kreuzlingen with Rikas, Nand, Odd Beholder and many more!

The Kultling Festival is turning 10! Young and fresh as ever and with big names in the pipeline, we are really hyped to celebrate our anniversary with you. This year, too, on a unique stage in a prime location on Lake Constance, we are just waiting to turn night into day. For this purpose, the stage of the See-Burgtheater is being converted for concerts. This backdrop cannot be found anywhere else!

Also there:
Our friends from Kula Konstanz with a band and festival wagon, the "Schnappsidee" bar with specially created schnapps, vegan gyros, sausages, Tamil food, various DJs and really great bands.


Prozpera (CH)
Gamma Kite (CH)
Wahnschaffe (DE)
Nand (DE)
Tompaul (CH)
DJ (Techno/House) until 4:00

Paul Palud (CH)
Odd Beholder (CH)
Rikas (DE)
Irié (CH)
DJ (Techno/House) until 4:00

Friday: Free entry, no ticket required
Saturday: 20 CHF, as part of the Seenachtsfest Kreuzlingen. Buy tickets online or directly at the entrance.

Cashless with Twint and cash (Euro and CHF). No card payments possible.

Getting there
The festival is located at the very end of the Kreuzlingen Lake Night Festival grounds, below the Seeburg. There are signposts along the way. If you are cycling, we recommend the eastern entrance to the park. Cycling is not allowed on the grounds.


Information about the event

Heads Up!

All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.


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