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KiKa: Animals up to the roof

Ki­Ka: Ani­mals up to the roof

Tuesday, 2. July 2024

Eagle Wings (2018, D, Heikko Deutschmann, Julia Jäger, Phillis Lara Lau, Michael Sideris, Sanne Schnapp, Adrian Topol, Enya Elstner, Tim Kalkhof, Giuliano Marieni, Smilla Kunkel, Jule-Marleen Schuck, Moritz Knapp, Tabea Hug, Rainer Piwek, Aaron Koszuta, Volker Conradt, Paulina Schnurrer, Finn Fiebig, Lena Meyer, Lotta Zeilinger, Anja Antonowicz, Noah Böhm, Carl Heinz Choynski, Angela Scherz, Franz Ruchlak, Sybille Kleinschmitt, Jana Reinermann, Anne Wieland, Berno Kürten, Andrea Katzenberger)

Wind turbines are to be built on the Waldauer Höhe. Leo wants to prevent this - despite all of Philip's arguments. But she can't find any caterpillars or insects that need to be protected against this intervention. Jan's great uncle is known for his original ideas: whether the bald eagle he is releasing on the Waldauer Höhe is in the right place is not only doubted by veterinarian Philip Hansen.


Information about the event

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