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Jakobs Ross

Ja­kobs Ross

Thursday, 15. August 2024

Orion, Dübendorf

  • Film

JAKOBS ROSS is a modern relationship and emancipation story based on the bestseller by Silvia Tschui with Luna Wedler and Max Hubacher.
The musically gifted maid Elsie dreams of a career as a musician. Not an easy undertaking in 19th century Switzerland, where violence and superstition reign alongside the rigid social order. When Elsie becomes pregnant by the master of the house, she is forced into marriage with the horseman Jakob and sent to a poor leasehold. Jakob has only one dream: he wants to have his own horse and become a carter. Elsie seemingly resigns herself to her fate - until the Yenish Rico appears, who feeds Elsie's dream with his music.
Director: Katalin Gödrös
Film genre: Drama
Access age / Recommended age: 12
Country of production: Switzerland (2022)
Duration: 103'
Cast: Luna Wedler, Valentin Postlmayr, Eugénie Anselin, Luc Feit, Marie Jung, Max Hubacher


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