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Enclosed garden - im Garten der Sinne

En­clo­sed gar­den - im Gar­ten der Sin­ne

Friday, 16. August 2024

Kulturort Weiertal, Winterthur

  • Exhibition

17 artistic works in the idyllic small park lead to an examination of the topics of nature and artificiality, change and renewal.

The Weiertal cultural site has been a place of exchange and lingering for over 20 years, offering a sensual experience of nature and art. Here in summer, newly developed artistic works related to the location can be seen in the magical little park with ponds and orchard. These appeal to all the senses, allowing visitors to wander across a sound meadow, think about dancing robot lawn mowers, and discover a mysterious cosmos of archaic natural objects. Deck chairs invite you to play games under the fruit trees, large objects float like soap bubbles on the pond, are they about to burst? Water pours from one boot to the other in a perpetual cycle and a swing hangs frozen in the air. 17 interactive works, participatory and kinetic works create an immediacy and captivate visitors and lead to an examination of the topics of nature and artificiality, change and renewal. With the artists: Brigitte Baserga, Notta Caflisch, Margaretha Dubach, Elisabeth Eberle, Federstahl, Markus Fehr, Flora Frommelt, Sylvia Geel, Sabina Gnädinger, San Keller & Daniel Züsli, Brigitt Lademann, LAST nico lazúla I ruedi staub, Maboart, Mickry3, Barbara Stirnimann, Marion Strunk, Eva Wandeler


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