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Drunk (another round)

Drunk (ano­ther round)

Thursday, 4. July 2024

Rex, Bern

  • Film

What if maintaining a constant blood alcohol level could help you cope better with the misery of everyday life? This is the premise that sets the story in DRUNK – ANOTHER ROUND. Martin used to be a passionate teacher – today, not only are his students bored by his lack of enthusiasm, but Martin's marriage has also lost its momentum. His three friends, who teach at the same high school, are not doing much better. At a tipsy birthday get-together, they discuss the theory of a Norwegian philosopher, according to which a person is only capable of top performance with a high blood alcohol level. The four decide to test this theory and start drinking during work hours to maintain a constant blood alcohol level. The first effects are very encouraging and they continue their secret experiment with great scientific rigor. But the negative effects are not long in coming...
Director: Thomas Vinterberg
Film genre: Comedy Drama
Admission age / Recommended age: 14 (14)
Country of production: Denmark (2020)
Duration: 117'
Cast: Mads Mikkelsen, Maria Bonnevie, Thomas Bo Larsen, Susse Wold, Lars Ranthe, Magnus Millang, Dorte Højsted


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