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Culture Festival St. Gallen: Chlyklass & Depat Milieu (Hip Hop)

Cul­tu­re Fes­ti­val St. Gal­len: Chly­klass & De­pat Mi­lieu (Hip Hop)

Saturday, 6. July 2024

Historisches und Völkerkundemuseum, St. Gallen

  • Sounds

25 years of Chlyklass – the Bernese super combo!


The Bernese super combo Chlyklass, consisting of Wurzel 5, PVP, Baze and Greis, is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year with a tour of Switzerland and will also be performing at the St. Gallen Cultural Festival! In 1999, the strongest rappers came together to form the north-east axis of Bernese rap, and since then hardly any group has shaped dialect rap as much as Chlyklass. The MCs Baze, Serej, Krust, Diens, Poul Prügu, Tiersch, Fantu and Greis have lost none of their originality and have even gained in live quality. Like good wine, they only get better with age! Whether you prefer the catchy chorus anthems of Wurzel 5, the humorous PVP style, the profound lyrics and attention to detail of Greis or the unique flow of Baze, everyone gets their money's worth with Chlyklass. We can look forward to seeing which classics from their band history they will present to us this evening...

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Depat Milieu

After four years, the band around Depat Milieu split up, but rapper DEPAT72 continues his musical journey with already finished lyrics and beat sketches from his band members. With Aura Audio at his side, he explores the Chilean Ruta 5 and releases the album "Patagonia Tape", which captures the South American attitude to life three years after "Classe Underdog". From steep slopes to circle pits, he celebrates on the ruins of capitalism. A new morning is dawning in Patagonia, while Depat72 and his milieu paint new lyrical color pictures on concrete walls.

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Food + bar service from 6:30 p.m.

Concerts from 8:00 p.m.

Ticket presale & further information:


Information about the event

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All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.
