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City as Garden 2023/2024 - A collective art project
  • Exhibition

Herzogstrasse, Bern

Ci­ty as Gar­den 2023/2024 - A collec­tive art pro­ject

Saturday, 10. August 2024

City as Garden 2023/2024 - A collective art project
Model surfaces and model locations

Collages by Maja Hummerjohann and Duscha Padrut

Why unseal?

In urban quarters, a large part of the ground is sealed. This means: The top layer of earth is covered by asphalt, conventional concrete or bonded paving. The material is largely impermeable to water, retains heat during the day, and the soil creatures underneath are damaged.

With the climate crisis, disadvantages of soil sealing are becoming more obvious. And also more expensive: biodiversity is declining. Dealing with the increasing number of extreme weather conditions is becoming more difficult and heat islands and unhealthy tropical nights occur more frequently in summer.

We have the power to change that. A key measure is, wherever possible, to unseal smaller and larger areas and to green them with trees, hedges or wild plants.

More information at

«Quar-Tier» with mini ruderal surface


Information about the event

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All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.


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