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Breakin' Mozart - Klassik meets Breakdance

Brea­k­in' Mo­zart - Klas­sik meets Break­dance

Saturday, 17. August 2024

Festivalzelt Gstaad, Gstaad

Audiovisual Performance

Good music, as everyone knows, knows no boundaries. That's exactly why Mozart and urban sounds are made for each other! Proof of this is provided by the international success show “Breakin' Mozart”, which was developed in 2013 by the German conductor and director Christoph Hagel. This year Hagel returns with a completely new event, made even more stunning thanks to great artists, impressive LED projections and refined technology for lighting and all special effects! Under his leadership, fascinating crossover shows such as “Flying Bach” have been created in recent years – experienced by over 300,000 people in 27 countries. “Breakin' Mozart” was already going through the roof (almost literally!) in Gstaad in 2022, so the DDC Dancefloor Destruction Crew was naturally invited again. The breakdance show group from Schweinfurt has been one of the most successful and innovative acts ever since it was founded in 1999 and is now European champion and two-time world champion.


Information about the event

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