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Bigeneric aka Marco Repetto «Faol» Plattentaufe

Bi­ge­ne­ric aka Mar­co Re­pet­to «Faol» Plat­tentau­fe

Friday, 5. July 2024

Heitere Fahne, Wabern

  • Sounds

Simply put: There is a concert by Marco Repetto. You hear electronic music and see a video. The topic is the wolf.

For eight years now, the wonderful creature of the wolf with its wildness and right to exist has enchanted and occupied the musician Marco Repetto. This resulted in his latest album: a musical and visual event for wolf friends and lovers of electronic music.

A wolfish evening with the world premiere of a music video by Rolf Hösli, mystical stories by the legend-wanderer Andreas Sommer. A musical and visual event for everyone who wants to learn more about the wolf. An artistic ode to the wonderful creature of the wolf.


Information about the event

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All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.
