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Arte: Midsummer in Norway

Ar­te: Mid­sum­mer in Nor­way

Tuesday, 9. July 2024

North of the Arctic Circle (2021, D, Angelita Eriksen, Ragne Hild, Björn Klauer, Morten Klauer, Jaciek Kukielka, Tamara Singer, Mikkael Holti Stensrud, Constantin von Westphalen, Heike Nikolaus)

North of the Arctic Circle, the landscape is much rougher than in the south. The Lofoten island chain rises out of the sea with sharp rocks. The Vikings called it the "Island of the Gods". In Lofoten, you can experience all four seasons in one day. Forecasting the weather is almost impossible. Traditionally, people here make their living from fishing. Small fishing villages with their wooden huts still tell of the hard everyday life of the cod fishermen in Lofoten.


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