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Animal (2021)
  • Film

Gallusplatz, St. Gallen

Ani­mal (2021)

Friday, 2. August 2024

Bella and Vipulan are 16. They belong to the generation that is more aware than others that our world could become an uninhabitable place within a few decades due to climate change and the extinction of species. Bella and Vipulan decide to delve deeper into the topic. On an unusual journey around the globe, they realize that humans have long believed that they could live separately from nature - even though they themselves are part of it and connected to all other forms of life. And the two realize that saving biodiversity can also save humanity...
The pollution of the planet, the overuse of resources and the resulting destruction of animal habitats: "Animal" is about these things as well as about people who work on solutions to these problems and put them into practice. Director Cyril Dion, who became internationally known with "Tomorrow", impressively shows that knowledge of connections and love for all living things are fundamental to stopping the extinction of species. A powerful film that gets under your skin and gives you hope.
Director: Cyril Dion
Film genre: Documentary
Access age / Recommended age: 10 (14)
Country of production: France (2021)
Duration: 106'


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