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A little iig, dr dällebach kari

A litt­le iig, dr däl­le­bach ka­ri

Sunday, 25. August 2024

Open Air Kino Schlatt, Gasel

  • Film

Kari is born in 1877 as the youngest of eight children in an impoverished farming family with a harelip. The doctor who is called in recommends that the parents drown the newborn like a young cat. With his deformity, he has no chance of surviving anyway. But Marghareta, the mother, feeds her Kari like a bird that has fallen out of the nest. Kari is a happy person, he believes in the beauty of life. In his early twenties, he falls madly in love with the pretty Annemarie Geiser, who comes from a wealthy family, at a wrestling festival. The sensitive, tender and humorous young woman returns his feelings unconditionally. Happiness seems perfect. But when Kari has to dance with the Geiser family, it comes to an abrupt end. His feelings of inferiority catch up with Kari in an overwhelming way - he loses everything that was dear to him. Director: Xavier Koller
Film genre: Drama
Access age / Recommended age:
Country of production: Switzerland (2011)
Duration: 111'
Cast: Hanspeter Müller, Carla Juri, Nils Althaus


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