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Sunflower, rapeseed, lupine & Co.: plants that provide oil and protein

Naturmuseum Thurgau, Frauenfeld

Sun­flower, ra­pe­seed, lu­pi­ne & Co.: plants that pro­vi­de oil and pro­te­in

We. 1. May - Mo. 30. September 2024

This year's theme in the archaeobotanical museum garden, in the middle of Frauenfeld, is plants that provide oil and protein.

Plants have been the basis for human survival for thousands of years. Nothing has changed to this day: they are still indispensable for us today as food, as feed for farm animals or as raw materials for a wide variety of industrial products such as lubricating oils or medication capsules.

This year's garden theme offers insight into the diversity and importance of oil and protein producing plants from the past to the present day. - the culture portal for Thurgau, with dates, topics and people to talk about.


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