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Sounding Museums: 30 concerts in the museums of the Zurich region
  • Exhibition
  • Sounds

muse-um-zürich, Bubikon

Soun­ding Mu­se­ums: 30 con­certs in the mu­se­ums of the Zu­rich re­gi­on

Sa. 1. June - Fr. 5. July 2024

Soundful experiences in June in the museums of the Zurich region.

Soundful experiences - 30 concerts transform museums into musical oases. Throughout the month of June, museums in the Zurich region will become stages for a variety of musical performances. The "Sounding Museums" concert series invites visitors of all ages to experience the museums in a whole new way. From music schools to professional bands, ensembles, yodeling clubs and violinists - the "Sounding Museums" concert series offers a diverse selection of musical performances. In various museums, visitors also have the opportunity to actively sing along and take part in musical workshops.

The full program and further information about the concerts are available on the website of the museum network muse-um-zürich at www.muse-um-zü


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