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Master Flea: Colorful Leaves

Mas­ter Flea: Co­lor­ful Lea­ves

Thursday, 28. November 2024

Theater Winterthur, Winterthur

  • Stage

Reading with live music

E.T.A. Hoffmann's bizarre fairy tale skilfully combines motifs from the romantic fairy tale with scenes from Biedermeier-era Frankfurt bourgeois life. The Swiss piano trio of Theodor Kirchner plays "Bunte Blätter", twelve pieces for violin, cello and piano, op. 83.

The story follows Peregrinus Tyss, who is entangled in a bizarre adventure by the mysterious Master Floh. Like many of his works, this fairy tale by Hoffmann also testifies to his ability to merge the fantastic with the real. During the Restoration period, there was strict censorship, which makes Hoffmann's clever excursions into dream worlds and the social criticism hidden within them all the more exciting. "Master Floh" is a lively plea for the power of the imagination.


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