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Mary Stuart and Elizabeth

Ma­ry Stuart and Eliz­a­beth

Wednesday, 2. October 2024

Theater Winterthur, Winterthur

  • Stage

Play based on Friedrich Schiller

In his production at the Thalia Theater in Hamburg, which was celebrated by audiences and critics, director Antú Romero Nunes focuses Schiller's drama on the essentials: the conflict between two rivals who are also fellow sufferers.

At a bus stop, the queens Mary Stuart and Elizabeth meet for a duel - and throw themselves on cheap champagne and canned beer. Both hope for a future without the other, so that they can finally breathe freely.

"Karin Neuhäuser and Barbara Nüsse play Mary Stuart and Elizabeth I - and this is an event like no other for a long time. All of this is, perhaps the word may be permitted here, world class." Deutschlandfunk

"Karin Neuhäuser and Barbara Nüsse as a queen's duel in a kind of bus stop. Two ladies robbed of their dignity who throw themselves on chocolate and bananas and cheap champagne. They are two female clowns who exaggerate the role play of power and push it to the point of self-abandonment." NDR


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