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Kasper travels to foreign countries - on women's hands

Figurentheater-Museum & Figurentheater, Herisau

Kas­per tra­vels to for­eign coun­tries - on wo­men's hands

Su. 2. June - Su. 27. April 2025

Two Swiss puppet theaters are exhibiting.

Kasper likes to travel to foreign countries. He takes a lot of the spirit of the times with him. There are two stages here, the "Kasperbühne Frölich & Lauener" and the "Kasperbühne Potztuusig" by Monika Schmucki, where Kasper is now played by creative women: one puts an equal partner at his side, the other plays him herself. For example, on the "Journey to Timbuktu" or the "Magic Figs of Isfahan" (The Little Muck).


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