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Film and panel: 10 years of free trade agreement with China
  • Film

PROGR Aula, Bern

Film and pa­nel: 10 ye­ars of free tra­de agree­ment with Chi­na

Monday, 1. July 2024

We cordially invite you to our event "10 years of free trade agreement: no further development without human rights".

On July 1, 2014, the free trade agreement between Switzerland and the People's Republic of China came into force. Although the human rights situation in the People's Republic of China has deteriorated significantly, Switzerland - as the only country on the European continent - now wants to expand its free trade agreement with China. An agreement in which human rights are not mentioned at all.

On the occasion of this dubious anniversary, we are showing you the film "Leaving Fear Behind" (2008), which captures the desperation of the Tibetans in the face of the Chinese occupation. The film material was smuggled into Switzerland under difficult circumstances, and the two filmmakers were arrested shortly afterwards. One of the two now lives in Switzerland: the monk and human rights activist Golog Jigme will speak about the human rights situation in China after the film screening. Other representatives of the Uighur and Tibetan diaspora as well as Swiss politics will also speak about the effects of trade relations with China.

Panel participants:

Golog Jigme, monk and human rights activist

Rizwana Ilham, President of the Swiss Uighur Association

Arya Amipa, Co-President of the Tibetan Youth Association in Europe

Uwe Meya, Board Member of the Swiss-Tibetan Friendship Society

Christine Badertscher, Swiss politician (Greens) and member of the Swiss National Council

Selina Morell, China Program Manager, GfbV

Moderation: Anna Leissing, Managing Director, GfbV

A demonstration by the Uighur community will also take place on the Bundesplatz on July 1st from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. We warmly welcome you there too!


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