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Extreme Meditation - Rohatsu - Honora Zen Monastery
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Honora Zen Kloster, Reichenburg

Ex­tre­me Me­di­ta­ti­on - Ro­hatsu - Ho­no­ra Zen Mo­nas­te­ry

Fr. 2. August - Th. 8. August 2024

Seven days count as one! Mountain Week is held twice a year (August & January) to commemorate the enlightenment of the saints and sages.
During this week we will not lie down and devote all activities to meditation.

Life in the Zen monastery is very challenging physically and mentally.

After ten years of training as a Zen monk in Japan and Korea, Abbot Reding founded the small and rustic Honora Zen monastery in Reichenburg.

During the intensive meditation week we devote ourselves to meditation day and night. With everything we have and a little more, we examine the true self.

The original face, without rank and name.

Back to the source to take on the greatest possible responsibility for our own life and death.

Abbot Reding gives you a warm welcome.


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