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Cultural trail Guttet-Feschel
  • Exhibition
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Cul­tu­ral trail Gut­tet-Fe­schel

Mo. 1. April - Th. 31. October 2024

With the Cultural Trail, Guttet-Feschel has a sustainable land art exhibition that is far from living up to this title.

Two historic villages, Guttet and Feschel, are connected via the cultural trail. The deliberately chosen exhibition title “Faszination Guttet-Feschel” not only includes the departure for something new, but also the question, what fascination does Guttet-Feschel exert on me? The path and the unique natural backdrop form the basis of the exhibition. The land art projects "The Guest", "Heidi's Wonderland", "Illusions at Lätzi-Tolu" and "The Hunderwasser Village Feschel", "The Legendary Guttet", "The Gate" and the outdoor picture gallery not only show changeability of the places, but also with what understanding we approach the new. The village population was invited to actively participate in the transformation of the village image. Together with artists who contribute their ideas on the topic, the Guttet-Feschel picture will be further developed into what should be shown as a work of art. Link to the website:


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