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Arte: The publisher and the author

Ar­te: The pu­blis­her and the aut­hor

Wednesday, 3. July 2024

2006, F, Karin Viard, Eric Caravaca, Jacques Weber, Gilles Cohen, Hélène Babu, Jacqueline Danno, Claire Maurier, Chantal Neuwirth, Renan Carteaux, Marie Kremer, Alexia Barlier, François Toumarkine, Emilie Gavois-Kahn, Philippe Hérisson, Pierre Aussedat , Constance Carrelet, Sharif Andoura, Cécile Bouillot, Mohamed Brikat, Baptiste Sornin, Olivier Jahan, Catherine Corsini

The writer Julien has an appointment with the editor Judith Zahn. Instead of talking about his project, the two end up in bed. In his lover's apartment, Julien comes across her deceased father's diaries, which reveal his political past. The young author makes the private notes the focus of his new novel. When he shows Judith the finished manuscript, a battle for power and honor - and love - begins.


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