
Ciné Résistance – «Everything Must Fall» (2018) by Rehad Desai
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Kapitel Bollwerk, Bern

Ci­né Ré­sis­tan­ce – «Ever­y­thing Must Fall» (2018) by Re­had De­sai

Dienstag, 21. Mai 2024


- Ciné Résistance


«Everything Must Fall» (2018) by Rehad Desai (85min)
When South Africa’s universities raised their fees in 2015, a wave of students took to the streets in opposition. Quickly gaining momentum and scope, the battle cry #FeesMustFall burst onto the political landscape and became a national conversation, bringing attention to the exclusion of poorer black South Africans from higher education, ultimately calling for the decolonization of the entire education system. Everything Must Fall features student leaders and their opposition as they unpack how a moment evolved into a mass movement. Demanding that governments be held accountable while also challenging deeper racial, gender, class and sexual identity discrimination, this group of inspiring young people demonstrate the power that comes from collective organizing that embraces intersectionality to create lasting change. https://www.ff.hrw.org
Talk and Discussion
Eduardo Kapapelo, Doctor of Philosophy, currently working at the Center for Human Rights of the University of Pretoria, has been living in South Africa for around 25 years and will share his knowledge and his experiences regarding the potential of a student movement to achieve social change. O., student at the University of Bern and part of last week’s student occupation of the University, will reflect on the experiences made by the students during occupying the University to protest the University’s involvement with Israel’s government and institutions occupying Palestine and currently committing a genocide in Gaza. Based on the experiences made in South Africa in 2015 and 2016, O. and Eduardo will discuss the potential and the perspectives of developing last weeks emerging student protest into a sustainable movement that is aiming for decolonization of universities and social justice.


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